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Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon and Congham Neighbourhood Plan

Find out about the proposed Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon and Congham neighbourhood plan

The parishes of Grimston, Roydon and Congham are made up of four rural communities:

  • Grimston
  • Pott Row
  • Roydon
  • Congham

A map showing the boundary line of the area of Grimston Congham and Roydon

Due to the physical proximity of these settlements and sharing of services and facilities, the three Parish Councils have decided to prepare a single Neighbourhood Plan covering the three parish areas. Grimston Parish Council (on behalf of Roydon and Congham Parish Councils) was appointed statutory Qualifying Body for the Neighbourhood Plan.

Latest News

‘Making’ (adopting) the Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon and Congham Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2036

The Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon & Congham Neighbourhood Plan was passed at the referendum on 22 August 2024.

A total of 86.4 % votes were received in favour of adoption of the Neighbourhood plan, meaning that the Borough Council is required to “make” (adopt, or bring into legal force) the Neighbourhood Plan, which covers the parishes of Grimston, Roydon and Congham.

The Adoption Statement is available to download below:

The adopted Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon and Congham Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2036 is available below:

Completed Plans

Previous stages


The referendum date for the Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon & Congham Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2036 was held on 22 August 2024.

330 out of 385 votes cast supported adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan. The full results are available on our Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon & Congham Neighbourhood Planning Referendum web page.

Information regarding the referendum is set out in the Referendum Information Pack and supporting appendices, available to download below.

Further details about the Neighbourhood Plan referendum can be found on our Upcoming Neighbourhood Planning referendums page.

Decision Stage

Grimston Parish Council (designated Qualifying Body) and the Borough Council accepted all the Examiner’s recommendations (recommended modifications) that represent a material change to the Plan.

The modifications proposed by the Examiner are set out in Appendix 1 of the Decision Statement, alongside the Borough Council’s decision, in response to each recommendation and the reasons for them. The Decision Statement, issued on 14 June 2024, can be viewed below.

The Decision Statement, issued under Regulation 18A, allows the Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to referendum.

Publication of Neighbourhood Plan Examiner`s Report

The Neighbourhood Plan Examiner’s Report published on 20 May 2024 concluded that, subject to a series of recommended modifications set out in her Report, the Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon and Congham Neighbourhood Plan meets all the necessary legal requirements and should proceed to referendum. The Examiner’s report is available to view through the following link.

Consultation on additional evidence base (November 2023 – January 2024)

The independent examination for the Neighbourhood Plan commenced in August 2023 (see below). In November 2023, the Neighbourhood Plan Examiner suspended the examination, to allow for broader consultation to take place regarding the Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) screening documents and additional evidence, provided by the Qualifying Body/ Borough Council as part of the ongoing examination.

The following documents were subject to the additional focused consultation (as directed by the Examiner):

The focused consultation started in November 2023, initially running until 12 January 2024. The scope was duly broadened and the end-date was subsequently extended till 26 January 2024 to take account of the updated National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), published on 20 December 2023.

In response to the consultation and to ensure compliance with the updated NPPF, the Neighbourhood Planning Group prepared a Basic Conditions Statement - Section 3 update.

The feedback received from this focused consultation allowed the Examiner to resume the examination from late-January 2024, culminating in publication of her report on 20 May 2024.

Neighbourhood Plan examination

In June 2023, the Borough Council, in agreement with Grimston Parish Council (Qualifying Body) appointed Ann Skippers to examine the Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon and Congham Neighbourhood Plan. The examination will test whether the Neighbourhood Plan fulfils the basic conditions, that the Plan:

  1. has regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State;
  2. contributes to the achievement of sustainable development;
  3. is in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan in the area;
  4. is compatible with European Union (EU) obligations and European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR); and
  5. does not breach the requirements of Chapter 8 of Part 6 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017

The Examiner formally started the examination in August 2023, after the end of the Regulation 16 consultation (18 August 2023).

The Examiner then published her Questions of Clarification and Note of Interim Findings from the Examiner to the Qualifying Body (QB) and the Borough Council (19 September 2023). This posed a series of questions for Grimston Parish Council (appointed QB) and us.

Most significantly, the Examiner raised concerns that the Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) screening process was insufficiently transparent and robust, with reference to the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. Accordingly, we consulted Natural England upon a draft HRA screening report for a 4-week period (22 September – 20 October 2023, inclusive). Natural England duly responded, confirming that they are satisfied that the Neighbourhood Plan is unlikely to have any significant effects.

The HRA screening report and Natural England’s letter can be viewed through the following links:

The joint response of the QB and Borough Council (1 November 2023) to the Questions of Clarification are available to view below:

The Examiner considered the joint response and identified some further matters to be addressed and/ or tasks, necessary for her to conclude her examination. These are summarised as follows:

  • Further consultation needed regarding the additional published evidence base – HRA screening report (with erratum) and Policy 8 (Roydon Common buffer zone) background note (see above)
  • Evidence base for certain other policies appears insufficient/ lacking

The Examiner highlighted Figure 16/ Policy 14, proposing the designation of several non-designated heritage assets (NDHAs). These should be supported by evidence detailing the selection process, details of each proposed asset, a photo and short description etc, ideally prepared in accordance Historic England's Advice Note 7. The Examiner has asked the QB to collate any additional evidence base for the Policy 14 NDHA designations or other policies that may have previously been undertaken. Any new supporting evidence may be subject to further consultation.

Other guidance and documentation relating to the Neighbourhood Plan examination is available to view, below:

Further documentation will be added to this page in due course, as the Examination progresses. The Examination is anticipated to finish by spring 2024.

Submission of Plan Regulation 15/ Regulation 16 consultation

Grimston Parish Council submitted the Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon & Congham Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2036 to the Borough Council on 31 March 2023, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Regulation 15. We have reviewed the submitted documentation and can confirm this meets the requirements of Regulation 15 (Legal check letter).

An initial 6-weeks consultation, under Regulation 16, ran from 19 May - 30 June 2023 (inclusive). This was later extended to Friday, 18 August 2023. Representations received during the consultation may be viewed through our online portal, once these have been processed.

The Neighbourhood Plan and other documents, submitted under Regulation 15, are available below.

Supporting documents

Character Assessments:

Full details about the Regulation 16 consultation (including the basic conditions) are set out in the statutory Public Notice.

Regulation 14 (pre-submission consultation)

The draft Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon & Congham Neighbourhood Plan was consulted upon by the Parish Council between 15 August – 7 October 2022, inclusive, under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Regulation 14.

More information is available on the Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Planning web page.