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Council Tax Support - Non-dependants

Non-dependants and how they affect your claim

Who is a non-dependant?

A non-dependant is usually someone over the age of 18 living with you. They are expected to contribute to housing and Council Tax costs, so we will take a deduction for them living in your home.

Who we will take a deduction for

Non-dependants who we may take deductions for are:

  • children who’ve left education and you no longer receive Child Benefit for
  • family members
  • friends

Who we won’t take a deduction for

We do not take a deduction if the non-dependant is:

  • aged under 18
  • on Pension Credit
  • a Youth Trainee
  • in prison or detention
  • a patient in hospital for more than 52 weeks
  • a temporary resident whose normal home is elsewhere
  • a member of the armed forces away on operations
  • a full time student during their period of study
  • a full time student during their vacation if not in paid work
  • a full time student and you or your partner are aged 65 or over
  • aged under 25 and receives:
    • Income based Job Seekers Allowance
    • Income Support
    • Income related Employment Support Allowance (assessment phase)
    • Universal Credit (without any earned income)

We do not take a deduction for any non-dependant if you or your partner:

  • are severely sight impaired or have recently regained sight
  • receive the care component of Disability Living Allowance
  • receive Attendance Allowance
  • receive the daily living component of Personal Independence Payments

How much deduction will we take?

The amount we take will depend on the non-dependent person’s income. The decision letter we send will tell you what we are taking.

Please note pre-April 2024 we have different rules for working age claims that may affect your entitlement before that period.

The 2023 non-dependant deductions apply until 31 March 2024. The 2024 non-dependant deductions apply from 1 April 2024.

Non-dependant deductions for those in work (2024)

Weekly income (£) Deduction (£)
£554.00 or more £15.10
Between £445.00 and £553.99 £12.60
Between £256.00 and £444.99 £10.05
£255.99 or less £4.90
Not working £4.90

Non-dependant deductions for those in work (2023)

Weekly income (£) Deduction (£)
£511.00 or more £14.15
Between £410.00 and £510.99 £11.80
Between £236.00 and £409.99 £9.40
£235.99 or less £4.20
Not working £4.20