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View and track planning applications

How to look at planning applications and appeals online

Find a specific application

You can look at a specific application and its related documents on our Public Access system. You'll need to enter a:

  • planning application number,
  • keyword,
  • postcode, or
  • single line of the address

Our Public Access allows you to:

  • follow the progress of an application
  • view related plans and documents, including officer's report and decision notices
  • make comments on an application
  • search for applications near you
  • search a weekly list of applications and decisions
  • see if appeals have been lodged, and any decisions made
  • see property details, including maps
  • search enforcement cases

To search for a specific application on Public Access, you'll need a:

  • keyword, application reference number, postcode or single line of an address

Search for planning applications by number, postcode or address

Find planning applications in your area

You can find planning applications near a specific street or postcode using our MyNearest application below:

Use our MyNearest facility to view planning applications near you:

View and comment on planning applications near you

Look at planning appeals

To see a list of appeals that are in progress, use the appeals search on Public Access.

To search for appeals in progress:

  • in the Appeal Status box, choose Appeal In Progress
  • select Search at the bottom of the page

View planning appeals on Public Access

To see the planning application the appeal is for, select an appeal and then select 'Related Cases'. You can look at appeal documents by going to the original planning application and then selecting 'Documents'.

Using Public Access

To help you use our online system, we've produced a public access user guide. This can be found at the bottom of the page.

Sometimes, the documents attached to an application can be too large, and take time, to download. If you can't access a document you need, please email and include the planning application number in your email.

The planning history on our online facility is incomplete. Please don't use this as a substitute for a formal Land Charges Search. Boundaries shown on the Ordnance Survey mapping, and implied through planning applications, don't necessarily relate to land ownership. We don't hold records of private land. All queries relating to land ownership should be directed to HM Land Registry.

We can't take responsibility for any errors or omissions in the planning history online. The information is not a formal notification of a planning decision. If you take any action based on the use of our system, you do so at your own risk.