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Apply for us to discharge planning conditions

Information about planning conditions, and how to discharge a condition

After you receive planning permission

Being given planning permission should not be seen as the end of your involvement with our planning service.

Once you receive your planning permission:

  • please check the decision notice carefully to ensure it's correct
  • please identify which conditions require you to submit further information, and when these have to be done

What is a planning condition?

When we grant planning permission, we may set conditions as part of the permission. These ensure the development meets our planning rules. You must have met these conditions before work begins.  

Conditions also add the finishing touches to a scheme by making it more attractive, adding value, and making it more saleable. For example, our conditions may tell you to use a particular building material. This is to help ensure your development is in keeping with it's surroundings.

The most common condition we set, will ask you to begin work within a set time frame, usually three years.

Other conditions we may attach to your permission include:

  • the materials you should use
  • construction levels
  • contamination
  • drainage schemes

Some conditions will only need to be in place before the first occupation of the development. Others will need to be in place before work begins. For these conditions, it's important to submit an application, together with the relevant evidence to enable the Condition(s) to be fully discharged before work starts. This is known as discharging your conditions.

We actively monitor the conditions on all planning permissions to ensure they are met.

How do I discharge my planning conditions?

Your decision notice will tell you when to discharge your conditions by. Please submit your discharge to us well before the expiring date, as it can take us time to discharge them.

The charge for this service is:

  • £145 - standard fee
  • £43 - householder applications
  • Free - listed building applications

The simplest way to submit a discharge of conditions application is online via the Planning Portal.

To discharge planning conditions you'll need:

  • a valid debit/credit card for the fee

Apply to discharge conditions

If you're unclear, please seek the advice of your agent or the case officer that dealt with your application.

Once we receive your application, we aim to deal with it within eight weeks. It is important the relevant evidence is submitted to discharge your condition(s) as failure to do so may result in a Refusal before week 12.

What if I need changes?

Discharging your conditions does not give you permission to vary the original approved drawings.

If you need to vary the permitted scheme, please seek our advice first.

Norfolk County Council (NCC) Highways Construction Specifications

One of your conditions may require construction of a highway access, quoting a highway specification drawing number.

Before submitting a Discharge of Condition(s) application to Discharge Highway Condition(s), please ensure that the relevant permission or Agreement has first been obtained from Norfolk County Council, Highways, as we are unable to Discharge some Condition(s) without a S38 or S278 Agreement with them has been finalised.

Details, guidance and advice regarding highways conditions can be found on the Norfolk County Council Highways website.

Further advice regarding specifications can also be obtained in writing. Please write to:

Norfolk County Council (NCC)
Planning and Transportation Department
County Hall
Martineau Lane

Or telephone on 01603 638010.

In order to avoid delays, if the Condition(s) relate to Highway works (on or off site) please speak to Highways before you submit your application to Discharge Condition(s).