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Local Plan review (2021-2040) plan-making stages

About the emerging Local Plan review 2016-2036, including the current status

Local Plan review

King’s Lynn and West Norfolk is a unique, attractive place to live and work. It combines a strong economy with a rich natural and built environment.

In delivering development that supports the economy and housing for current and future generations, we need to balance this with the need to protect and enhance the environment.

What is the Local Plan review?

The Local Plan for the borough is currently made up of the:

These two documents have been reviewed and combined to create a new draft document. The new document sets out a strategy and detail for delivering growth in the borough. It identifies where development should be located and how it should be delivered up to 2036.

The plan review sets out the policies which we'll use to determine planning applications alongside those contained in completed neighbourhood plans. It will also identify sites for housing, employment and other land uses through ‘site allocations’.

The Local Plan review combines both the Core Strategy and the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan and updates it to a 2036 ideal position.

Polices have been reassessed, and suitable new sites identified.

Current status of the Local Plan review 2016-2036 - submission to the Secretary of State, 29th March 2022

On 8th July 2021 the Local Plan Review was approved by the Full Council, for statutory consultation (Regulation 19, Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012) and submission to the Secretary of State. The pre-submission consultation stage ran for 8 weeks, from 2nd August to 27th September 2021, inclusive.  The Council has considered consultation feedback, which was summarised and presented to Members (Local Plan Task Group) on 28th October 2021.

The Local Plan Review was submitted to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on 29th March 2022, who will appoint a Planning Inspector to undertake an independent examination of the Plan, supporting documentation and Regulation 19 consultation feedback. From this point the plan-making process is led by the Planning Inspectorate. The examination is expected to finish around the end of the year (2022).

Further information is set out in the Local Plan Review (2016-2036) Examination page.

View the Local Plan review pre-submission document 2021

You can view the pre-submission draft Local Plan Review (as approved by the Council on 8th July 2021 and submitted to the Secretary of State on 29th May 2022) below:

View the Local Plan review

Further supporting documents can also be found on our Proposed Pre-Submission Local Plan Review Supporting Documents page.

A printed copy of the Local Plan Review and supporting documents available in certain locations. Please see the following list of locations the Local Plan Review and supporting documents are available to read in person if you wish to do so.

Further information

More information regarding the Local Plan Review can be found on the following pages:

Please note - The interactive map has been updated to show a visual representation of the areas where the proposed Local Plan applies. This is purely an information tool.