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Hunstanton Advisory Group

The Hunstanton Advisory Group (HAG) is an advisory and consultative engagement group established to submit ideas for economic development in Hunstanton and to advance support for local events for the promotion of Hunstanton

What is the Hunstanton Advisory Group?

It is an unincorporated body of volunteers made up from the public and private sector. The group has no separate legal personality.

The HAG is an ‘Outside Body’ to which one Cabinet Member and two Ward Members are appointed annually.

The HAG aims to represent all sectors within Hunstanton, providing a focussed forum to develop and deliver projects within the area to enhance and improve facilities and the environment for both residents and visitors.

The HAG is a proactive group rather than just a ‘talking shop’. The HAG is apolitical.

Role and tasks

The key tasks for the group will be to:

  • review proposed projects brought for consideration
  • prioritise agreed projects into an annual programme for development and delivery
  • appoint the most appropriate and experienced ‘Champion’ to lead individual projects
  • identify funding opportunities and apply for such funding to deliver projects
  • co-ordinate, monitor and manage the overall programme to identify and rectify any areas that are not progressing and to ensure there is no duplication of effort
  • ensure frequent and transparent communication is made with all stakeholders and the wider community
  • regularly review the membership of the HAG to ensure fair representation for all sectors of business and residents

Group membership

Membership of the HAG will be drawn from all sectors within Hunstanton.

The overall structure of the group will comprise of a maximum of 12-16 members, with representatives from:

Hunstanton advisory group members list
Sector Organisation Representative
Local Government Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk Cllr Simon Ring
Cllr Paul Beal
Cllr Angie Dickinson
Local Government Norfolk County Council Cllr Andrew Jamieson
Central Government Member of Parliament for North West Norfolk James Wild MP
Town Council Hunstanton Town Council Cllr Michael Ruston
Cllr Mark Williamson
Cllr Jordan Cribb
Civic Hunstanton Civic Society TBC
Local Business (Accomodation) Searles Paul Searle
Local Business (Retail) The Norfolk Deli Mark Kacary
Local Business (Education) TBC TBC
Local Business (Seafront) Rainbow Amusements TBC
Local Business (Seafront) East Coast Gelato Joel Large
Local Business (Hospitality) The Lodge Hotel TBC
Local Business (Care Sector) TBC TBC
Local Business (Land Stakeholder) Le Strange Estate Charles Le Strange Meakin
Local Business (Charity Sector) Hunstanton Round Table Joe Bates

Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair

The group has appointed a Chair and Vice Chair who will serve for a period of 24 months before re-election.

The Vice Chair will assume the responsibilities of the Chair in the event that the Chair is unable to be present at the meeting.

Chair: Charles Le Strange Meakin

Vice Chair: Joel Large

Process of adding new members

New members may be required either for their specialist knowledge or to fill a vacancy that has arisen (vacancies arising from the civic and public sector shall be appointed to by their respective organisation/office confirming in writing the replacement.)

Any group member may add to the agenda of a meeting a recommendation to recruit one or more new members. If the decision of the group is to agree the recommendation, an advert will be prepared with a deadline for receiving applications of no less than 3 weeks after first advertising. The advert will state any identified specialist knowledge required and/or requirements regarding locality. The advert shall be published locally and publicly in the manner determined by the group.

All applications received shall be sent to the group members and an item placed on the agenda of the next meeting to vote by simple majority who should be appointed as a new member. There is no obligation on the group to appoint to the advertised vacancy if they do not consider that any applicant meets the requirements of the advert.

The decision of the group to appoint a new member shall be communicated to the successful applicant(s) and on their acceptance of the role, they shall be deemed a group member.

Decisions shall be taken in accordance with the Nolan principles.

Ceasing to be a group member

A member may cease to be on the HAG under the following circumstances:

  • The group member gives written notice to the Chair of their resignation
  • They cease to be the representative of their organisation
  • They are subject to bankruptcy or liquidation, or in the case of an organisation, winding up, liquidation, administration or dissolution.
  • The group member is removed following a resolution of the group that it is in the best interests of the group that the member is removed.

Further information about the HAG is available in the Hunstanton Advisory Group Terms of Reference document.