Information about the design of street name plates and their positioning, and the display of property names and numbers
Property names and numbers
It's important that streets and properties are clearly identified for the convenience of the public, and that property numbering schemes are maintained. The aforementioned helps to ensure that the emergency services can respond efficiently when called to an incident, as reminded by the Department of Transport Circular 3/93.
Every numbered and/or named property in any street or block of flats shall be marked:
- with numbers displayed in a clearly readable position facing the road. Mounting may be on gates, gate posts, doors or walls as appropriate
- with numbers or letters of a colour that contrasts with the background on which they are displayed
- with numbers or letters of sufficient size (preferable minimum size of 62.5mm)
With regard to building, blocks of flats, and terrace names (the latter two examples of what we call a parent address) developers and building owners are responsible for their maintenance and should be aware that planning permission may be required if:
- the proposed display would affect the special character of a listed building; even relatively small-scale displays or alterations may require listed building consent
- the display may be deemed to be a sign requiring consent under the Town and Country Planning (control of Advertisements) Regulations 2007.
Parent Names: Name plates we suggest using the Street Name Plate specification but upper and lower case lettering to distinguish from a street name plate
For more information please see our 'Are you displaying your number?' document.
Street name plates

Street name plates will be erected in accordance with the Department of Transport Circular 3/93: Street name plates and the numbering of premises. The public are not allowed to interfere with street name plates unless authorised by us. They must be kept clear in all directions a minimum of 12 inches (for example, clear of other signs or notices).
Developers install the first street name plates, we maintain them.
We prefer our street name plates to be fixed to walls and whenever possible at 2.5 metres height. This minimises the chances of them being obscured by pedestrians or vehicles. At height they are much less likely to be damaged or vandalised.
We also do not support any other additional information being added. In some circumstances we allow directional arrows.
To report if a street name plate is damaged, worn or missing, please visit our street name plates page. These reports in the first instance come through to our Address Management Team.