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The transparency data we publish

Local government transparency code

The Local government transparency code was issued to meet the government's desire to place more power into citizens' hands to:

  • increase democratic accountability
  • make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision making process, and help shape public services

All data is available under the Open Government Licence, which allows sharing and reuse for commercial purposes.

We publish the following information in accordance with the Code:

Annual allowances and expenses paid to Councillors

Councillors do not receive a salary. They're entitled to receive an allowance and expenses for carrying out official duties. Councillors with special responsibilities such as Cabinet Members receive additional allowances.

You can find our members expenses, allowances and payments documents at the bottom of this page.

independent review of members allowances

The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 require all local authorities to appoint an Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) to advise on the terms and conditions of their scheme of councillors’ allowances.

The last review took place in October 2021. The relevant documents for the IRP are available in the links below:

Chief Executive expenses

Monthly expenses details are available for the Chief Executive. You can view these on our Chief Executive page.


Our 'Constitution' sets out how the Council operates. You can find more information on our constitution page.

Controlled Parking and Parking account

The car parking report shows a breakdown of income and expenditure on our parking account and how we've spent the surplus.

Within the borough there is a total of 6,049 marked out and unmarked controlled off street parking spaces. Norfolk County Council is responsible for on-street parking spaces.


The counter fraud report covers the:

  • number of occasions we use powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Regulations 2014
  • number of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud
  • total amount spent and number of fraud cases investigated

Grants awarded

Our grants awarded report shows grants that we allocate to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

Local authority land

The land and building assets report lists all:

  • service and office properties occupied or controlled (both freehold and leasehold)
  • properties occupied or run under Private Finance Initiative contracts
  • surplus, sublet or vacant properties
  • undeveloped land, services or temporary offices
  • future commitments

Pay policy statement

The pay policy statement sets out our policy on remuneration (pay and benefits) for the posts of:

  • Chief Executive, and
  • Executive Directors

Pay multiple

The pay multiple is the ratio between the:

  • highest paid taxable earnings for the given year (including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, allowances and the cash value of any benefits-in-kind, and
  • median earnings figure (which for the whole of our workforce is 4.9:1).

Payments to suppliers

These reports highlight details of payments to suppliers, where the amount paid was over £500. You can find our payments to suppliers report at the bottom of this page.

Our payment performance report shows the proportion of valid and undisputed invoices paid within 30 days. It's in accordance with regulation 113 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.


A tenders report includes advertised tenders for contracts valued at over £10,000 (tenders are not advertised below this figure).

A contracts report includes contracts valued over £5,000 that are the subject of a formal, sealed council contract.

A purchase order report includes all purchase orders valued over £5,000. In many cases purchase orders will be the sole documented confirmation of a contract being in place.

View procurement documents for each financial year since 2016/17 using the dropdown below:

Information is also available relating to our current waste contract.

Chief Executive and senior salaries, job descriptions, organisational structure and travel expenses

Our salaries for the Chief Executive and senior staff document lists the services provided, employee count and budget held. You can also view our chart structure and data.

Job descriptions for the Senior Management Team are available on our management team page.

We operate an expenses policy which applies to all staff, regardless of pay. It covers items such as travel expenses and meal claims. For further information, please download our travel and subsistence document.

We also have an apprenticeship target. You can view this in our public sector apprenticeship target for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 document.

Trade union activity

Our trade union facility time document includes the number of staff who are union representatives and total estimate of spend.

We are required to publish data under the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017.