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Pay and renew a memorial lease online

Information on how to renew your memorial lease

Memorial lease renewals

If you wish to renew the lease on your memorial, you can do it one of four ways:

  • Pay using our online form
  • Pay by debit/credit card over the phone or in person
  • Pay by cheque/postal order
  • Pay by invoice (if total is over £100)

Renewing your lease online has the benefit of enabling you to make payments when you choose and not wait until our office is open.

What you can renew

You can renew the lease on the following items:

  • 6” Kerb 
  • 12” Kerb
  • Shrub
  • Conifer
  • Tree
  • Vault
  • Bench
  • Refurbish plaque

Renew your lease online

You can pay and renew a memorial lease using our online form.

To make a payment you will need:

  • the Memorial ID (found at the bottom of the application form)
  • name(s) of the deceased
  • a valid debit or credit card

Apply for a memorial lease renewal