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Stage four - Reliefs and exemptions

Application and approval of relief and exemptions

Apply for relief or exemption (stage 4a)

In some cases, your development may be eligible for relief or exemption from CIL, but it won't be applied automatically.

To apply for relief or exemption you must:

  • have assumed liability to pay CIL on the chargeable development
  • apply for relief before development starts

And you must:

  • make an application using the relevant forms
  • submit supporting information and/or evidence

The application form you must submit will depend on the type of relief you'll be claiming for. Please visit our reliefs and exemptions page.

How we determine relief and exemptions (stage 4b)

We'll consider your application for relief or exemption.

If relief or exemption is approved, we'll issue a revised CIL liability notice.

If relief is refused, then we'll write to let you know.

You can appeal our decision through the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). However, please contact our CIL Officer first on 01553 616443.

If relief is granted, we'll record the relief details on the Land Charges Register.

If something changes (like you sell or let the property) you'll no longer be entitled to the relief. We'll then ask for CIL to be paid on the following basis:

  • if a social/affordable housing dwelling (having received relief) is sold within seven years as a market house, then CIL will be due immediately
  • If a self-build house, which has received exemption is sold or let within three years, then CIL will be due immediately
  • if a residential annex or self build house which has received exemption is sold or let separately to the main residential property within three years, then CIL will be due immediately

Important note

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly supply information which is false or misleading to us as a charging authority in accordance with Regulation 110 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations.