How to have your say on a planning application, and information on copyright
Have your say
You can comment on an undecided planning application. You can:
- support
- object
- make a general comment
You have 21 days from the date we publicise an application to make comment. You can still comment after 21 days, but we may have already made our decision, and your comments won't be considered.
Comments received in time will be taken into account when we consider an application. But, due to the large volume of comments we receive, we’re unable to acknowledge or respond to individual comments.
Planning applications near me
Use our My Nearest facility to view planning applications near you.
Just provide us with your address by entering a postcode or street name which is in the Borough of King's Lynn & West Norfolk.
Set your location:
What you can comment on
We'll look at all comments. But we'll only consider comments that take into account planning issues, such as:
- overshadowing your home
- overlooking your home
- causing disturbance (for example, noise or odour)
- being over bearing
- being out of character with the area
- causing an issue to highway safety
Issues we won't take into account are:
- loss of value to a property
- loss of a private view
- potential difficulties in property maintenance
- the private interests of objectors
- issues covered by other legislation
The Planning Portal also has information on commenting on proposed developments.
The Council may remove and disregard any comments that it judges to be either defamatory, offensive or discriminatory. We may also consider reporting any such offensive comments to the police or relevant authorities. If you wish to report a comment, please email:
Make a comment
To comment on a planning application, you can find the relevant application by searching nearby to an address, by using the planning application reference number or by viewing our weekly lists:
To search for a specific application on Public Access, you will need a:
- keyword, application reference number, postcode or single line of an address
To view weekly list of validated or decided applications:
Other ways to comment
If you're unable to make comments online, you can email or write to us. Our contact details are at the bottom of the page.
Any comments you make will be publicly available online, and at our offices, within 48 hours from receipt.
Please note; we can't respond to or acknowledge comments made, due to the high volumes we receive.
Personal information
All comments received relating to a planning application are published on our website for the public to view. Comments are made by the author, and we’re not responsible for their content.
We will publish your name and address. But, we'll take care to ensure personal information is used sensitively. We won't publish signatures, phone numbers or email addresses.
If you're commenting online, please follow our guidelines:
- don't include personal information (other than your name and address) within the body of your letter or email
- don't sign your representation (if submitting electronically)
- if commenting by email, please send your comments as an attachment (this will ensure your email address is not published)
We can’t consider anonymous comments.
Plans, drawings and material such as comments, are protected by copyright.
You can only download or print planning material:
- for consultation purposes
- to compare current applications with previous schemes
- to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans
You can't make further copies without permission from the copyright owner. The copyright owner's name will be on the plans.