Our most popular services
- Address management
- Help to buy
- Council meetings
- Licensing Act
- Alive West Norfolk
- Allotments
- Ancient monuments
- Animal licensing
- Animal welfare
- Animal welfare public register
- Annual canvass
- Anti-money laundering
- Community Trigger
- Appointments Board (Council Committee)
- Approved food premises
- Community Covenant
- Asbestos
- Audit Committee (Council Committee)
- Communal bins
- Bagged waste collection dates
- Benefit fraud - Advice for employers
- Benefits - Change in circumstances
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- State Pension
- Fraud
- Benefits - Self-employed
- Losing a loved one
- Rubbish collection dates
- Bins - New
- Waste
- Disabled parking
- Smoke nuisance
- Borough councillors
- Brown bin - What goes in your bin
- Brownfield register
- Budgets and spending
- Bulky item collection
- Business Improvement District (BID)
- Business rates
- Business Rates - Discounts, reliefs and exemptions
- Business Rates - How to pay
- Business support and advice
- Trade waste
- Cabinet members
- Car parking
- Long term season tickets
- Care and Repair
- Key safe
- Closed Circuit Television
- Chief Executive
- Climate change
- Clinical waste
- Community grants
- Community Information Points
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Complaints
- Conservation areas
- Contact us
- Contaminated land
- Cooling towers
- Poll Tax
- Council Tax - Banding and appeals
- Council Tax - Change in circumstances
- Council Tax - Make a payment
- Property bands
- Council Tax - Reminders, summons and enforcement
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support
- Council Tax Support benefit calculator
- Custom and self-build action plan
- Custom build demand
- Disabled relief
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Dog breeding licence
- Dog fouling
- Sewers
- Election results
- Open register
- Electric vehicle charging points - Hunstanton
- Electric vehicle charging points - King's Lynn
- Energy efficiency
- Environment and Community Panel (Council Committee)
- Equality
- Events
- Fairstead Community Centre
- Flood risk assessment - Level 1
- Flooding
- Illegal dumping
- Food business registration
- Health and safety complaints
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food waste bin
- Full Council (Council Committee)
- Garden waste bin
- Recycling waste
- Habitat mitigation
- Handyperson service
- Have your say
- Hazardous waste
- Historic planning decisions
- Household Support Fund
- Housing Benefit
- Housing Benefit - Overpayments
- Hunstanton events and activities
- Information for landlords
- Information for tenants
- Inspection of accounts
- Vacancies
- King's Lynn and West Norfolk Area Museums Committee (Council Committee)
- Land charges - local search
- Licensing
- Licensing and Appeals Board (Council Committee)
- Licensing Committee (Council Committee)
- Lily
- Litter and litter bins
- Local Housing Allowance
- Local Plan
- Local Plan Task Group (Council Committee)
- Stray dogs
- Management Team
- Mayor and Deputy Mayor
- Mintlyn Crematorium
- Moving house
- MyAccount - Frequently asked questions
- Neighbourhood plans
- News
- Noise nuisance
- Order extra bins
- Penalty Charge Notice
- Parks and open spaces
- Personal licence
- Planning advice
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning applications - View and track applications online
- Planning Committee (Council Committee)
- Planning enforcement
- Planning permission
- Play areas
- Premises licence
- Privacy Policy
- Private hire vehicle licence
- Property naming and numbering
- Toilets
- Train services
- Recycling centres
- Red tags
- Voting - Register to vote
- Residential caravan, mobile or park home licence
- Residential caravans
- Retail Discount
- Roads and pavements
- Scrap metal licence
- Small business rate relief
- Smoke control areas
- Stories of Lynn
- Tattoo hygiene rating scheme
- Tattooists - Registered premises
- Temporary Event Notice
- Visitors
- Trade waste - Pay an invoice
- Training courses
- Tree preservation orders
- Unsafe properties
- Upcoming elections
- West Norfolk Homechoice
- West Norfolk Shared Prosperity Funding
- West Norfolk Wins community lottery
- Wild animals licence
- Zoo licence