Published: Wednesday, 15th January 2025
An update for West Lynn Ferry users from the borough council and Norfolk County Council.
While a contractor was carrying out scheduled maintenance on the West Lynn-side of the ferry landing on the 14 January, a significant structural issue was discovered that makes it unsafe to keep open without further works.
A structural survey undertaken last year, jointly funded by the borough council and Norfolk County Council, identified remedial work required to various parts of West Lynn and King’s Lynn ferry landings.
The first of the remedial repairs began on Monday 13 January to handrails on both sides of river.
However, on Tuesday 14 January the engineering company undertaking repair work inspected one of the steps on the West Lynn side and discovered the concrete was in much poorer condition than previously advised. The council was also made aware that in the last few days concrete had fallen from the staircase to the riverbed below amplifying these concerns. In the interests of public safety, a joint decision was taken with Norfolk County Council to close the landings and therefore the ferry crossing while further work is undertaken. The initial understanding is that the ferry landings are likely to need to stay closed for several weeks while further work is undertaken to explore possible options to allow its reinstatement.
Cllr Michael De Whalley, Cabinet member for Climate Change and Biodiversity who has the ferry as part of his borough portfolio, said:
“The safety of ferry customers and staff is our top priority and the ferry landings will remain closed until we know the access steps are safe to use.
“I would like to thank council staff, particularly those within Licensing and CSNN for arranging at extremely short notice, for people to get back home on Tuesday evening when the ferry was closed.
“I understand there are 9 other steps on the West Lynn side of the ferry landing now showing similar deterioration and will require attention before the ferry resumes its service. I thank people for their patience with this temporary closure and expect to see our contractors along with borough and county colleagues work together to resolve this as soon as possible. We are committed to the future of the ferry service.”
Richard Stannard, Operator of the West Lynn Ferry, said:
“It’s understandable that we have had to cease our crossings while this safety work is carried out. We will be working with the council to ensure the ferry can reopen as soon as possible.”