Published: Thursday, 7th July 2022
Details about the West Winch Framework Masterplan consultation.
A consultation draft for a supplementary planning document, that will govern the development of up to 4,000 homes and coordinate the phasing of associated infrastructure to the south east of King's Lynn, is being considered by the Local Plan Task Group, Regeneration and Development Panel and Cabinet at the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk later this month and early August respectively.
If approved, the consultation draft will be made available for a statutory period of public consultation which will begin on 5 August and end on 15 September. This will include the usual planning notices and activities with parish councils to ensure they have their say.
Because of the scale and nature of this project, additional drop-in sessions are also being organised for people to come along and review the framework masterplan, ask questions of the specialists, and lodge any compliments, comments, concerns or suggestions they may have, so that these can be considered in the development of the final framework masterplan.
There will also be an opportunity to view the online document and submit any comments via the council's website. The dates of the consultation drop-in sessions will be published if the draft document is approved by Cabinet on 2 August.
Cllr Richard Blunt, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development, said: "This is a very significant document which, at a high level, sets out, in broad locations, where infrastructure detailed in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan is considered suitable, while ensuring there is a degree of separation between the development and the village of North Runcton, and integration with existing development and facilities in West Winch. The infrastructure delivery plan covers transport networks, education, utilities, community and health facilities and of course green spaces and corridors including outside sports facilities.
"The framework masterplan also sets out expectations on design, house mix, sustainability and green credentials, as well as the need to consider the impact on local heritage and local biodiversity. Ultimately this document will provide a set of principles demonstrating how we will achieve a quality, sustainable and most importantly, deliverable development. It is vital that local people have a good look at this framework masterplan later this summer to review the broad locations we have identified, and provide any comments for us to consider. Once formally adopted, the framework masterplan will be used to determine how this major development takes shape over the next 18 years or so."
A major element of the framework masterplan is around the provision of a new housing access road. Norfolk County Council is currently awaiting a response from Government on the Strategic Outline Business Case that was submitted to them last March. If successful Norfolk County Council would be able to move into the next phase which would be to complete the design of the road, for which there would be further consultation. It is hoped that an announcement will be made quite shortly for this project.