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More electric vehicle charging points could come to borough council car parks

Electric car charging

Published: Tuesday, 19th October 2021

The borough council is to apply for funding to improve electric vehicle (EV) charging provision for West Norfolk residents with no access to off-street parking.

Cllr Paul Kunes, Cabinet member for Environment, explains: “Following my successful motion for the borough council to declare of a climate emergency I’m keen to explore all possible avenues to make West Norfolk a greener place to live and work in.

“The grant funding being applied for could mean that fast 7KW chargers are installed across borough council-owned car parks. We have also recommended that town and parish councils look at whether they can apply for funding and implement EV chargers.”

The scheme is targeted towards car parks within close proximity to residential areas with limited access to off-street parking and is administered by the Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles (OZEV) and the Energy Saving Trust (EST). 75% towards the cost and installation of EV charge points could be provided. BP Pulse then provide the remaining 25% of the cost and maintenance for 7 years.

If the grant application is accepted over 20 new EV chargers will be installed in borough council-owned car parks next year.

Additionally, the borough council is looking to replace its current rapid EV charging points, situated in Hunstanton and outside St James’s multi storey, with new rapid charge points, as part of a separate project with BP Pulse.

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