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KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN: Something mysterious is glitching into view on King’s Lynn cinema screens

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Published: Wednesday, 15th September 2021

Published on behalf of Collusion:


Collusion (REVEAL, DRAWDOWN) are back in King’s Lynn to launch another ambitious public art project.

Titled THE INTERGALACTIC HANSEATIC LEAGUE, this mixed-reality, town-wide spectacle sees the IHL – space- and time-travelers from 23rd-century “Earthport Lynn” – sending urgent Transmissions in their attempt to make contact with 21st-century Lynn.

The science-fiction narrative casts the people of King’s Lynn as heroes of the future, written into legend as those who saved the world from climate change in 2021, leading to a healthy thriving planet centuries later.

The story has already infiltrated Lynn with the IHL’s Transmissions to King’s Lynn on the Majestic and Corn Exchange cinema screens, starring Game of Thrones’ Kate Dickie as the Captain of the IHL Discovery. In coming days, an installation – created by 571 Lynn schoolchildren as part of the project’s engagement programme AGENTS OF CHANGE – will appear in the Old Argos windows in the Vancouver Centre, while screens in high-street shops will flicker to life with the story.

On the night of 01 October, the project will light up the town’s major projection sites (Custom House, Minster, Greyfriars Tower, St Nicholas’ Chapel, and the Corn Exchange) with spectacular large-scale projections, including an interactive game and sound-and-light installation at Greyfriars Tower and Gardens. On the same day, the IHL story will also take over YOUR LOCAL PAPER in a fact-meets-fiction four-page wrap.

We invite you to view the latest IHL Transmission and supporting materials on the project website

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