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Request personal protection equipment (PPE)

Find out how to request personal protection equipment (PPE)

Before requesting PPE

Before requesting PPE, please make sure that you have read the latest government guidance on PPE, and whether your organisation needs to be using it.

Please note in all cases, your request will be reviewed and may need to be moderated due to limited supplies.

If you're not one of the listed providers, unfortunately we're not able to support your request. Emergency supplies are limited and therefore they're being prioritised according with government guidance.

Who can request PPE

Please check below which category your organisation is in and contact the relevant service to make your request.

Category A

  • General Practitioners
  • Mental health community services
  • Hospices and Palliative Care
  • Pharmacists
  • Emergency dentists
  • Opticians
  • Patient transport services
  • Prison healthcare


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG):

Category B

  • Care homes
  • Personal assistants
  • Domiciliary care
  • Hostels
  • Other frontline service to vulnerable adults (for example, housing with care, supported living)
  • Children's homes
  • Local authority (Children's Social Care)
  • Local authority (Adult Social Care)
  • Residential Special School
  • Non NCC commissioned children's and adults services
  • Non hospital mortuary and funeral services
  • Fire Service


Norfolk County Council’s Adult Social Care, quality assurance team:

Childrens' Services:

Category C

  • Sheltered accommodation
  • Courts
  • Other agencies LRF as required
  • District Authorities
  • Voluntary and community sector (VCS) and other agencies as required (for example, food banks)

If your organisation falls within Category C (as described above), in the first instance, please contact your normal suppliers. If they're unable to supply you with the necessary PPE contact the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) using the following details:

If your organisation falls within Category C above, and has less than 72 hours stock, please complete the online form below. The request will be passed to the Norfolk Resilience Forum for consideration for emergency provision.

PPE request form