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CIL examination

The steps taken to implement CIL

Initial consultation

An initial consultation took place with some developers and interested parties in January 2014. This helped us to make sure we were on the right track for writing the Charging Schedule. 

The charging schedule then has to have two rounds of public consultations before being submitted for examination by a planning inspector.

The first consultation was carried out in December 2014 to January 2015; Information and comments provided from this consultation helped us to revise our documentation.

CIL Examination Inspectors Report

We received the Inspectors Final Report on 21 November 2016. We have updated our CIL Charging Schedule in line with the Inspectors recommendations. And we've prepared a Cabinet Report, which was agreed at a Cabinet meeting on 6 December 2016.

Formal adoption of CIL

The CIL schedule and supporting documents were agreed and formally adopted at the full Council meeting on 19 January 2017. 

Formal commencement of CIL

CIL formally commenced on 15 February 2017. From this date all planning permissions issued which are included in the Charging Schedule are liable to pay CIL. 

If you have questions regarding CIL please contact Amanda Driver our CIL Officer by email:

CIL regulation amendments

The CIL Regulation Amendment 2019 removes Section 123. This means the requirements of the Reg 123 List no longer apply.

So, the CIL Regulation 123 list will now be used as an informative document. It will inform how infrastructure may be delivered and funded in the borough through:

  • CIL income
  • section 106 planning obligations 

Our CIL Regulations 123 list has been replaced by our Infrastructure Funding Statement and Governance Document.